Simple Ways to Prevent and Fight Out Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection and it affects the skin on foot. It is contagious and can spread to the toenails and sometimes the hands. It is named so as it’s commonly seen in athletes. It is not serious, but sometimes it’s hard to cure.

Athlete’s foot occurs when the Tinea pedis fungus grows between the toes, on the top of the feet, toenails and between the fingers. Itching, burning and stinging are symptoms of athlete’s foot. You can catch the fungus through direct contact with an infected person. The fungus frequents in warm moist environments, in showers, on locker room floors and around public swimming pools or exercise equipment.

·       How to prevent athlete’s foot

You can deter athlete’s foot fungus by wearing flip-flop while roaming around public pools. Only keep in mind that your feet, including between toes are thoroughly dried after swimming or bathing. The fungus can live under toe nails, so it’s better to keep your toenails the comfortable shortest length.  Also avoid wearing sweaty socks or shoes for long. Use a pair of organic cotton socks instead of socks made up of synthetic materials as cotton is more absorbent.

Simple remedies for athlete’s foot: Here are some natural remedies that can help with athlete’s foot:

·       Ginger
Take an ounce of fresh chopped ginger and add it to a cup of boiling water and simmer for 20 minutes. After getting cooked apply twice daily to clean feet. Its strong antifungal property helps to heal it.

·       Garlic
Place slices of fresh crushed garlic between toes and leave it there for the day. Allicin, the active compound in garlic, inhibits the growth of the fungus. Garlic may be added to food for the same effect, but it may take a little bit longer.

·       Tea Tree Oil
Add about 40 drops of organic tea tree oil to a feet both and soak your feet for 10 minutes. Then thoroughly dry the feet and massage a few drops of the oil directly into the affected area. Tea Tree oil helps in healing heavily infested areas and deters it from spreading.

·       Neem oil
Neem oil is toxic to harmful organisms. Apply to dry and clean feet with a cotton ball.

·       Himalayan salt and Apple cider vinegar
Add two tablespoons of Himalayan salt and half cup organic Apple cider vinegar to some warm water. The acidic environment destroy the fungus. Dry the feet completely afterwards.

·       Oregano oil
Make tea of 4 ounces of oregano leaves and soak the feet 2-3 times daily.

·       Sesame and coconut oil
Both having antifungal properties can be applied directly to the feet twice daily.

·       Ozonated olive oil
·       Apply the paste twice a day. This should clear up the fungus within 2-4 days and discourage future outbreaks.

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