Beets detoxify the liver – proven fact

The liver is an organ that removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body, allowing the body to function without experiencing the many illnesses and other harmful side effects that these toxins can cause. For this reason, it is crucial that individuals periodically detoxify their livers. One of the most common and effective natural liver detoxifiers is the beet. Beets have been used to fight liver toxins and to increase the overall level of health of individuals for many years, and they can be easily integrated into one`s diet to keep the liver working at an optimal level.
Several factors such as environmental pollution, poor diet, smoking and use of alcohol can burden the liver as dealing with high level of toxins in the blood exerts a greater pressure on the liver. Many health problems such as weak digestion, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, skin problems, depression and fatigue can stem rom poor liver functioning. Therefore, the liver requires regular cleansing and detoxification.

Benefits of beet juice

Beetroot is a natural detoxifier and blood purifier. It contains betalain, a phytonutrient, which plays an important role in the liver's detox process. It is best to consume beetroots in raw form - as a juice or salad, since cooking diminishes the nutritional value of betalain. Anthocyanidin, another antioxidant present in beetroots, helps in regeneration of liver cells. Beetroot juice not only provides detox benefits, but is also a wonderful, natural remedy for chronic constipation. It is also beneficial for conditions like anemia, skin problems, eye problems, heart disease and arthritis.

Beets are beneficial to one's health for many reasons, as they are a high-antioxidant vegetable that contains a number of important substances, including: betaine, betalains, fiber, iron, betacyanin, folate, and betanin. Pectin, which is a fiber found in beets, can also help clean the toxins that have been removed from the liver, allowing them to be flushed out of the system instead of reabsorbed by the body. Because of this property, many medical professionals encourage individuals to eat beets raw without juicing them, so that these fibers can be ingested as completely as possible. This is not difficult, as they can be baked, grated, or roasted as well as eaten alone or incorporated into other dishes.

However, beet juice can be highly beneficial, as it allows the betaine to stay intact. Betaine is the substance that encourages the liver cells to get rid of toxins. Additionally, betaine acts to defend the 
liver and bile ducts, which are important if the liver is to function properly. This particular substance is also said by some to decrease the risk of coronary and cerebral artery diseases, as it lowers inflammation in the body, allowing the many systems to work without interruption.
Additional Liver Support
Beyond beets, there are some additional ways you can help maintain a powerful liver. Other liver-cleansing foods include lemons, artichokes, cabbage, oats, apples and celery. In addition, cinnamon, licorice and turmeric support liver function. Holistic specialists also recommend burdock root and dandelion root. However, as with any new treatment, be sure to consult your doctor before incorporating these or any other supplements into your diet. Lastly, avoiding alcohol, drugs, tobacco and other toxic substances will help sustain proper liver function.

Incorporating Beets into Your Diet
There are several ways to prepare beets. Most people cut off the leaves and then steam the reddish bulb with the skin intact to avoid losing any vital nutrients. You can also bake or roast them. They're also often grated raw for salads. In addition, the greens are edible and packed with nutrients. Considered to be in the same family as Swiss chard, the greens are most often steamed before they are eaten.

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