Best food to prevent and treat Anemia

Anemia is a condition that develops when the blood lacks enough healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a main part of red blood cells that binds oxygen. If hemoglobin quantity is abnormal or low, the cells in the body will not get enough oxygen. According to WHO, woman and young children are the worst affected by anemia. A hemoglobin count less than 6 mg indicates anema.

There are many types of anemia. All are very different in their causes and treatment. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type faced by woman especially by pregment woman and woman who have heavy menstrual periods. To prevent this condition, consuming of wholesome and nutritious foods to replace lost iron can be greatly beneficial.

When to talk about the best superfood for anemia, spinach comes first. About 20 percent of the daily iron requirement for a woman can be made up by a half bowl of spinach.

Red Meat
Red meat is know for its high iron content that makes it an excellent source of nutrients for anemia women.

Amoung the other popular food know for increasing iron level in the body dates are popular. Dates are high in iron contents and are very helpful to prevent anemia. To fight against anemic condition, a handful of dates is advisable.

Whole grain bread
Whole grain bread fulfils about six percent of the daily iron requirement for a woman. To improve body’s iron level switch srocessed white bread for whole grain bread.

Amoung the sources of protein egg is the best that can help recover nutrients less caused during anemia. To prevent anemia , a boiled egg everyday can be beneficial.

Fatty and shell fish
Fatty fish and some varieties of shell fish are rich in high levels of iron. A nemic condition can be prevented by eating fish a couple of times a week.

Pomegranate is a rich source of vitamin c and iron. It improves blood circulation and helps in preventing dizziness and tiredness.

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